Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Buddy's Fast Food - Beware

Everybody deserves a second chance, is not a golden rule and definitely does not apply to food joints.

I have realised that once you strike off a food joint from your - must go list, you should never go back to it. Unless you have amnesia or have money to waste and idle time to spend.

I remember going to Buddy's when i was expecting my second baby, very often, as it was on the way to Indus hospital. And, even in that enchanced hormonal stage, i was pretty disappointed with the food. So, on my last gynae visit i had decided never to go there again.

But, today i was famished and happen to be at St. Bedes chowk, so i decided to give it another try. The place has modest interiors, hasn't changed much over the years.

It might look like a happening place to a fresher in St. Bedes college, but to a veteran like me, its just the same.

Self service and cleaning of the tables, by a very sad under paid looking steward. Blaring, misfit music  and above all terrible food.

I am never over critical with food, willing to cut slack most of the time. But, it was unpardonable today. We ordered chicken biryani with butter chicken in gravy. It took almost forty five minutes for the order to arrive.

The biryani was orange coloured rice, with two sad pieces of chicken. In the name of presentation there was a flower shaped capsicum on top.

The chicken curry was made of stale tandoori chicken, the gravy was made by a twelve year old it seemed. It was raw and tasteless. Very unpalatable.

But, the folly was ours, as on closer inspection we realised that the neighboring tables had ordered maggi and momos. Easy to make and ready to eat. As saving grace, the cold coffee was decent.

I am going to stick to my not to go list, from now onwards. Please go at at your own risk.. Avoid if possible.

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