Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Monkey Menance

Monkeys monkeys everywhere... Shimla and monkeys have become synonomous. There is one monkey to every fifteen adults or less. They are everywhere. On the road, terrace, roofs, balconies, garden and sometimes even inside the house. Going out to shop, you need to be full alert as one might pounce on you from anywhere. They have a very advanced sense of smell and fear. If you are scared they'll smell it from yards away. Women and children are easy targets. But, we're to blame for a large extent, for present the days condition.

When i was younger, we only saw them few months of the year. Elders told us that they cant take the heat, so in the summers are mostly inhabiting the Jakhoo area and surrounding. Their main source of food was vegetation from the forest and what the religious amongst us, chose to feed them.

But, now they don't need vegetation or to look for food anymore. Humans have made food easily available to them by throwing garbage everywhere. Monkeys are very intelligent animals, they feed at a spot once, they'll come there daily to check and eat again. We have put grills and covered our balconies and open areas with mesh. Ironically, the monkey is caging us in and forcefully confining us to our habitat.

I dislike the fact that one cannot  even go for a walk in peace, without worrying about them. They eat my plants and destroy my garden, mercilessly. And even if they don't eat a plant they will still uproot it, just for the sake of it. I rarely get to see flowers in plants, as they have to spot a bud to eat it.

Old parents are terrified and feel helpless, and reluctant to go alone on roads, which are frequented by them. The Kalka - Shimla highway is dotted with them, all throughout. We regularly read newspaper reports of how they are destroying fields and damaging crops.The government needs to take some concrete steps soon.

 I dont hate them, but i wish they would go elsewhere and be happy. And, let us live in peace. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Misty Hills

Rains is one of the most magical seasons in the hills. When its hot you long for them, when they come you long for the sun. In my younger days a short spell of rain would mean, sudden emergence of innumerable number of earth worms, snails and slugs on the road. They were everywhere, i was never too fond of them.  The slugs specially, with their sticky line following them. Nowadays, with my girls growing up, i have only sticky memories to share with them. I describe a slug by making dirty faces and draw an earthworm for my younger one. Where have they gone !!! Sad and strange. Till last week it was terribly hot by Shimla standard, a 31 or 32 degree, is too much for us to handle. Today, the heavens have opened their doors and we have much awaited relief. The mist creeps onto us, without a warning and its here to stay. Mist is such an amazing phenomenon, it  so exquisite and delicate. And never fails to surprise. Sometimes you cant see beyond a few meters, and sometimes it decides to settle in the valley and stay there. The drizzle is when it rains for days at a lazy speed and refuses to stop. Umbrellas become a part of your wardrobe and gum boots become a fashion statement. Plants get a new lease of life and the deodars and pine, dont stop smiling.

Shimla at 1600 hours today-

 Shimla at 1615 hours today-

Shimla ta 1630 hours today-

Enjoy !